Secure Volunteer serving commitment
Harvest Secure Volunteer - Ministry Serving Commitment
Harvest Kids
Harvest Students
Emergency Response Ministry
In His Image
I acknowledge and agree to uphold the HBC Doctrinal Statement.
I acknowledge my lifestyle is in agreement with the HBC Statement of Faith.
I have been trained, understand and agree to uphold ministry-specific policy and procedures required for volunteer service.
I acknowledge and agree to uphold HBC desire for continuity, and will notify my campus ministry staff when my life circumstances change and it is no longer possible to maintain my serving commitment.
I agree that for the protection of all, volunteers/staff should never be alone with minors anywhere. Minors should never be alone with each other.
I agree that hazing and/or bullying will not be tolerated in any ministry by any volunteer, staff, or participant. If this conduct is witnessed, you will notify staff or ministry department leads immediately.
Per Illinois State DCFS training, if child abuse or neglect is suspected or detected I agree to notify DCFS and Harvest Staff immediately.
I agree that Volunteer/staff must never guarantee confidentiality to a minor. In addition, information should not be shared with any other person other than Harvest Staff where information is relevant.
I agree that physical discipline, including spanking, grabbing, hitting, slapping, pinching or wrestling is prohibited.
I agree that for injuries requiring medical treatment beyond simple first aid, Harvest staff will be immediately notified and a Medical Incident Report initiated by an adult over the age of 18.
I agree that medication must be administered to minors by a licensed medical professional. The only exception is for individualized prescribed auto-injectors such as an EpiPenĀ® and rescue inhalers.
I agree that without a verbal staff request, photography or social media posting of pictures or videos of non-family member minors is not permitted. Consent of staff is required for photography (picture or video) of Harvest Bible Chapel facilities.
I agree to read communications that are sent by the Harvest staff.
I agree that I have been trained on and understand small groups and leadership.
I agree that I have been trained on and understand leader growth and care.
I agree that I have been trained on and understand healthy conflict.
I agree that I have been trained on and understand the Harvest Students Code of Conduct policy.
I am aware of the additional modules related to hazing within Harvest Student Ministry.
I am aware of the additional modules related to suicide threats within Harvest Student Ministry.
I am aware of the additional modules related to attendance within Harvest Student Ministry.
Per Illinois State Adult Protective Services training, if abuse or neglect is suspected or detected I agree to notify APS and Harvest Staff immediately.
Chicago Cathedral
Crystal Lake
North Shore
Rolling Meadows
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