New Hire Set Up Form

New Hire Set Up Form

This form is to be filled out in its entirety by the manager of a new employee or volunteer before the employee/volunteer begins working. In order to have all of the IT needs ready for the individual, this form should be filled out 2 weeks before the employee/volunteer begins their work.

New Employee Name
New Employee Name

Technology Set Up

Computer Type
If a non-standard option is selected, cost will be deducted from department budget.
PCO Access
Which campuses do you require access to in Planning Center?
People Access Requested
Do they need access to email lists?
Calendar Access Requested
CheckIns Access Requested
Do they require Headcount access too?
Groups Access Requested
Which type(s) of groups do they need access to?
Registrations Access Requested
Services Access Requested
Mailchimp Access Requested
Clearstream Access Requested

Location Information

Please describe location if room number is not known.


Select all that apply

Security Setup

Security App Access Needed? Select for which campus(es)
Accessibility to Building(s)

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