IT Exit Checklist

IT Exit Checklist

This form is to be filled out by the manager of an employee for ALL exiting staff. Please fill out completely and to the best of your knowledge. If you have any questions please reach out to IT.

Please complete the following items as applicable:

Would you like to happen with the employee’s emails?
Is there any staff data you may need to preserve, (ie. personal drive, C:Drive, One Drive, Sharepoint, Dropbox)?
If yes, IT will send manager the password
Does the employee have MS Team ownership to a channel, (ie. Worship – Easter Service)?
Does the employee have a laptop to return?
If employee has a Mac laptop, has their personal icloud account credentials been removed from the device?
Please indicate the usage for the security ICT App accessibility option below:

Note: If managers would like the exiting employee to remain as a volunteer status; manangers must then complete the Volunteer Access form in addition to this form, found on the top tab of HBC’s General page in Teams.

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