Conflict of Interest

It is important that we continue to live with integrity consistent with Biblical truths and our Statement of Faith.  Employees are expected to exemplify the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and should live a life worthy of the calling we have received to work at Harvest Bible Chapel.  It is important that we ensure all our relationships and actions are transparent and ethical to ensure no conflicts of interest exist.  This process is necessary to prevent any purposeful or accidental unfair business or employment situations with staff.    As such, a conflict of interest questionnaire has been created to capture any potential conflicts or concerns.  All potential conflicts of interest will be disclosed, discussed and resolved as part of the decision-making process by the Lead Team, and results may be shared with the Elder Board.  All employees will be asked to complete a questionnaire upon hire and annually thereafter.  Human Resources will maintain all questionnaires.    Various terms in this questionnaire have very specific meanings when used and are in boldface type.  To assist you with these terms, an explanation for each is provided below: 
    • Harvest Bible Chapel 
    • Harvest Christian Academy 
  2. EMPLOYEE: Any person currently on Harvest Bible Chapel’s payroll, regardless of status.
  3. FAMILY: Spouse, parent, children, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, brothers-in-law, sister-in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces or nephews. 
  4. ENTITY/PERSON: Any individual, firm, partnership, trust, corporation or other entity. 
  5. SUPPLIER/VENDOR: Any PERSON who sells, rents, or agrees to furnish any good, materials, wares, merchandise, supplies, machinery, equipment, real estate, credit, insurance professional, contractors or other services to or for the benefit of the ORGANIZATION, has done so at any time during 2022 or is now proposing to do so.
    This does not refer to the purchase of goods or services in an “arm’s length transaction” with suppliers to the general public, where an employee of the ORGANIZATION/CHURCH has no relationship to the supplier, and the transaction is absent of any sales relations (e.g. US Post Office, public utilities, etc.)
  6. CONFLICT: Conflicts of interest arise when one party has business, personal or employment dealings with the ORGANIZATION/CHURCH, that provides a financial or other beneficial position to the party’s self, family member or business which would not be available to any other party except for a special relationship and/or position. 


Please read each question carefully. If you answer YES to any question, please fully explain your response at the end of the question.
Conflict of Interest
Employee Name
Employee Name
1.) Did you, in a private capacity, provide consulting, advisory or outreach services to an ENTITY/ PERSON outside of the ORGANIZATION/CHURCH that might, in your good faith judgment, present or appear to present a conflict since January 1, 2022?
2.) Did you or any members of your FAMILY have an employment, consulting, or other financial relationship with a company that does business with our ORGANIZATION/CHURCH?
3.) Did you or any members of your FAMILY have an outside PERSON or organization contribute gift funds to our ORGANIZATION/CHURCH that are under your control or of direct benefit to your work activities?
For this questions you do not need to consider:
• Meals, attendance at an event or other form of entertainment appropriate to circumstances and your role. i.e. donated sporting event tickets.
• Gifts of nominal value ($25.00 or less), such as candy, fruit, flowers, on holidays or other special occasions.
4.) Have you or any member of your FAMILY received, directly or indirectly, any gifts, credits, loans, services, entertainment, travel, lodging, or other accommodations, or any form of compensation or personal benefit from any SUPPLIER/VENDOR at any time since January 1, 2022?
For this questions you do not need to consider:
• Meals, attendance at an event or other form of entertainment appropriate to circumstances and your role. i.e. donated sporting event tickets.
• Gifts of nominal value ($25.00 or less), such as candy, fruit, flowers, on holidays or other special occasions.
5.) Do you or any members of your FAMILY now have or did at any time during 2022 have any ownership interests in, or the rights to any profits from, any SUPPLIER/VENDOR or is now proposing to do so? ☒
6.) To your knowledge, has any ORGANIZATION/CHURCH employee received, directly or indirectly, any gifts, credits, loans, services, entertainment, travel, lodging, or other accommodations, or any form of compensation or personal benefit from any SUPPLIER/VENDOR at any time since January 1, 2022?
7.) Has any member of your FAMILY been an employee or consultant of the ORGANIZATION/CHURCH at any time since January 1, 2022 or is now proposing to do so?
8.) Have you or any member of your FAMILY been an officer, director, employee, or consultant of, or otherwise employed or retained by any SUPPLIER/VENDOR at any time since January 1, 2022 or is now proposing to do so?
9.) Are you related to any other employees currently employed by the ORGANIZATION/CHURCH?
10.) Are there any other situations (relationships, commitments or activities) in which you or any member of your FAMILY are now involved in, or have been involved at any time since January 1, 2022, which may pose a conflict of interest with the ORGANIZATION/CHURCH?
11.) Having completed this survey, are there any additional comments you would like to make or feel the ORGANIZATION needs to be aware of?


By signing below, I certify that the above questions have been completely and truthfully answered to the best of my knowledge and ability.

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