Benevolence Application
Benevolence Application
1. HBC may offer various forms of assistance to members. Financial assistance is only offered to active members and regular attenders of Harvest Bible Chapel, or to non-members who are referred by an active member/leader/pastor who is involved sacrificially in the effort of caring for the person/family in need. If you are not a member/attender of Harvest Bible Chapel, you are encouraged to contact your home church for assistance or the Metro United Way “211” assistance line. You may also contact the Rolling Meadows, Elgin or Crystal Lake campuses for food assistance via the Food Pantry.
2. All forms of assistance are considered a process of helping the individual acquire the biblical disciplines and skills to maintain and manage their own affairs, but to also grow to a point where they can minister to others. While our effort is to recognize and express the grace and mercy of God, we will not participate in supporting a lifestyle or decision process that is not biblical. Recipients of assistance must meet with a Benevolence and Financial Coach and must complete the recommendations given by the Benevolence Ministry.
3. If you have received assistance from the Benevolence Ministry in the past, you are not eligible to apply again for at least 3 months. If you do re-apply, it will be expected that you will have followed through on recommendations, including Financial Coaching and/or FPU. If you have not done so, you are not eligible for more assistance.
4. The benevolence ministry has the right to refuse assistance to anyone.
Agreement: I have read and understand each of the above guidelines. I understand that in making an application for assistance, I am willing to allow Harvest Bible Chapel to come alongside to assist me in not only short term assistance but I will also accept and will follow through with long term guidance to resolve my present situation. I further agree to continue my personal growth by attending church consistently, by joining a small group and find a place to serve and work for Christ within 90 days (if physical ability).
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